Hi, I'm Naomi or Lady Nomes (I have the certificate and 1sq foot of land in the Scottish highlands to prove it). I am a Change Management professional by day, blissfully married to my favourite person in the world, and we share the house with 2 weirdo cats Lady Sif and Pepper Potts (I know, Marvel nerds ahoy!).
In August 2019 I was diagnosed with Metastatic Bowel Cancer.
It's safe to say that of all the news I could have received, this was definitely languishing at the bottom of the 'dreams and goals' list. The past 2 years have been a flurry of scans, appointments, radiation (the liver radiation process was a trip), chemotherapy, immunotherapy, multiple blood tests, more poking and prodding in places that would make Christian Grey blush, and stoma surgery. My body has been through what can only be described as the 'hunger games for cancer' with multiple challenges coming at me like a herd of hangry zombie monkeys.
thecsideaustralia was borne from all my experiences, and acknowledgement of the experience of others going through cancer treatment. I wanted to be able to provide practical gifts and greeting cards (absolutely no 'with sympathy' messages here) that people can give to their friends, family and colleagues who are moving through the highs and lows of the cancer journey. I also wanted to have a calm, community focused and inclusive space that people could come to, whether that be for a chat, or to read one of my ramblings, link through to other cancer foundations, groups and events or even share their story.
This is just the beginning, a start along a path of something new. There is much to learn and I hope you can join me on this new, wild and unpredictable ride at the c side.
Naomi (aka Lady Nomes)