the c side Australia has been created to help people on their cancer journey, and their loved ones that support them. We have a range of products, gift packs cards and links to information designed especially with cancer survivors in mind.

Information Links
  • Greeting Cards

    Sometimes a plain old sympathy card just doesn't cut the mustard. Yep cancer is a bit of a shit, but that doesn't mean it has to be all doom and gloom. Here at the c side Australia we look at the brighter side of life, and weave in a little humour through our range of cards with kick ass designs by Benitta that you can send to your mates who might be experiencing the cancer rollercoaster.

  • Naomi Writes

    Sometimes I write about my cancer journey, treatment and experience dealing with the highs and lows. Click here to read. I promise it's a safe space, and I might get a bit sweary from time to time.

  • Care Packages

    ***COMING SOON***

    Cancer treatment side effects are worse than experiencing a hot girl summer hangover because of too many frozen margaritas at the local tiki bar. Our cancer care packs are practical and based on lived experience and are suitable for anyone in your life who is facing down the treatment slip and slide like a muthafunking warrior.

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